Deep throat
Deep throat

deep throat

While bruises are apparent (check out her early poolside dialog bit with Dolly Sharp), she does seem to enjoy herself sexually. Her conflicting accounts of abuse at the hands of then husband Chuck Traynor around the time of filming are but some of the many specters that continue to haunt this movie. She was not that fortunate in 2002 when another traffic accident tragically ended her life. You also never get to see Linda entirely naked, due to a large scar running from her chest down to her abdomen as a result of a car crash she almost miraculously survived some years earlier. Apart from Linda's oral abilities, the sex is pretty much run of the mill raunch, generally well- covered by utilitarian camera work and editing but not much different from loops of the period. Linda finally finds happiness, and gets to perform her party trick once more with feeling, with dopey Wilbur Wang (the aptly moniker-ed William Love) who meets the necessary requirements to hit the lady's sensitive spot. You can generally tell by the absence of live sound during these scenes, compensated by voice-over and the use of silly sound f/x. Some of the sex that ensues consists of loop footage shot prior to principal filming. With a demanding nurse - played by Carol Connors, later star of Gail Palmer's CANDY movies and mother of mainstream actress Thora Birch (whose dad, Jack Birch a/k/a "Michael Powers" also appears as #12 in the Dolly Sharp threesome with one shot John Byron) - to consider, the good doctor tries to set up Linda with one of his other patients by engaging her as an out-call physical therapist. Linda's devouring of Harry's member (cross-cut with images of, yep, bells ringing, dams bursting and guns going off to indicate the girl's pleasure) really is something to see, as startling a display of sexual acrobatics now as it must've been 35 years ago. It turns out that her clitoris isn't quite located where it should be, hence her incapacity for total sexual fulfillment, but is situated at the back of her throat ! The only way for Linda to climax is to perform fellatio all the way down, an act that has been referred to by the film's title ever since. Help is at hand in the shape of wacky Doctor Young (the role that forever saddled Herbert Streicher with the ludicrous nom de porn of "Harry Reems"), a psychiatrist who's way nuttier than any of his patients but actually seems to hold the cure to Linda's ills. Their carefree existence is marred only by Linda's inability to achieve orgasm, this evidently NOT through lack of trying ! While sex makes her feel all nice 'n' tingly, she wants to hear "bells ringing, dams bursting, guns going off", prompting Helen's laughing request if she wants to get off or wreck the city. Linda Lovelace ("as Herself", according to the credits) is a happy hippie chick living of dad's allowance and sharing a house with fun-loving divorcée Helen (Dolly Sharp, star of the Amero Brothers' DYNAMITE and tons of loops). Rather than waste precious space on a futile attempt to put my 2 cents in regarding THROAT's apparent discrepancy between quality and longevity, I'll try to give my honest opinion on the film proper, unbothered by all that has been said and written about it since it was first screened.

deep throat deep throat

Absolutely everything you need to know about the movie's legal problems and its sociological significance is elaborated upon in the excellent 2005 documentary INSIDE DEEP THROAT. Many have speculated over the three intervening decades as to the reasons why THROAT, which even in 1972 was hardly the best of its kind, became such a huge box office bonanza, furthered rather than hindered by its much publicized prosecution.


How on earth does one go about reviewing DEEP THROAT nowadays ? Though it's clearly still the best known adult movie of all time, it cannot be called a good film in any objective or traditional sense.

Deep throat